Born January 2, 1963 in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic. Education: High School of Chavin, Color Study with International Master Prez Chalice, anatomic studies with Dr. Fras Serbian Arts. Shares in Group: Children of Light, the Light Lovers Ateneo, Santiago 1979, Santiago Painters in Galera del Sol 1980, Centro de la Cultura de Santiago 1980, Santiago Art House 1981. Ambassador Hotel Dominican Painters in 1984, Hotel Sheraton in 1985. House Theatre in 1985, Ten Artists Collective Dominicans in 1986. Exhibition of the last 50 years of painting in the PUCAMAIMA Dominican Santiago, Collective Gallery of Ponce in Puerto Rico1987. Collective on the Fifth Anniversary of the 1987.Colectiva Nouveau Radison Hotel, Puerto Plata Miramar III 1989.Colectiva Expo 1988. Collective Expo Miramar IV 1989. Melange Art Gallery Collective 1991, Collective Two 1992: Collective Art Gallery Inauguration Luc 1992. Kutty Reyes Cabrera Vitico 1993. Collective Generation of the 80s in January 2000 at the MAN Museum of Modern Art. Mesa Collective Fine Art Galley in 2003. Collective Art Gallery Fine Art Bureau 2003, Collective Unibe Teachers 2004, 2005 and 2006 Collective Cup FUNGLODE 2004.Que Pintao I removed the collective, Len Museum 2005. I do not take away what Pintao collective Bellapart Museum 2005. Collective Artists United Against Violence, 2005 National Police. Individual: Fragments in 1987 Arawak Art Gallery, Mi Tierra at the Museum of the Royal Houses in 2000, From North to Mesa fine art SurGaleria Art 2003. Ondinas at the Museum of the Royal Houses in 2006. Works in private collections: in CNAD, Miami, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain and eight murals exhibited at the Museum of Frankfurt Germany, in 1992. Permanent Work Center Len Santiago.